
As Covid-19 Stresses Us All, There’s No Better Time To Focus On Mental Health

Rancho Cucamonga, CA, May 18, 2020—COVID-19 is shining a much brighter light on Mental Health Month this May. Too many communities are struggling with the psychological and emotional toll this crisis is presenting. 

Now, more than ever, it is important to reassure our community that there are compassionate people and resources available to help cope with mental health during this crisis and beyond.

Mental health was a critical concern in America before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. According to the National Institute of Mental Health Disorders, an estimated 26 percent of Americans age 18 and older already suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder.

Now with COVID-19, depression, anxiety, loneliness, increased physical and substance abuse, and suicidal tendencies are on the rise. We cannot in good conscience stand by and not help each other through these challenging times.

I have experienced firsthand the tragedy of losing someone to mental illness and it has had a profound impact on my life.

At a time when so many people may be feeling despair and our courage is tested, hope is not lost, and we need to lend a hand and offer support, so we don’t come out of this crisis with family members and friends suffering with mental despair.

So, what can any of us do to help others feel emotionally connected, valued and loved?

Sometimes, all it takes is just a smile and eye contact. Even if six feet apart, these little acts of kindness can make a world of difference for someone who’s suffering in silence.  

Reach out to family, friends, neighbors, and especially to older adults. Remind them they are not alone. Support older family members by making sure they stay connected. Offer to set them up on a phone, tablet or laptop so they can connect with others via video chatting apps such as Zoom or Facetime. And older adults shouldn’t hesitate to ask for technology help — younger people are wanting and ready to help.

 The Institute on Aging provides a great resource in the Friendship Line — the nation’s only 24-hour toll-free hotline for older adults and adults with disabilities — (800) 971-0016. The helpline is staffed by people who specialize in offering a caring ear and having a friendly conversation.

Equally important is helping children and adolescent populations ease their anxiety and fears, especially given that half of all mental health disorders begin by age 14 and three-quarters of disorders by mid-20s, according to the World Health Organization. It is vital that parents and caregivers watch for behavior changes in youth, talk to them about the facts of COVID-19, reassure them they are safe, and be a good role model in how you deal with stress — great tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

Connecting in new ways with members and our community regarding mental health is important. As such, Inland Empire Health Plan is launching a podcast, “Chat and Chai,” in which IEHP Behavioral Health Medical Director, Gayani DeSilva, MD and Clinical Behavioral Health Director, Amrita Rai, LCSW, will explore the connection between physical and mental health. They will provide practical advice and tools that shine a light on the way that our mental health plays a role in all that we do and how we can help others through conversation.  

When we look back on this time, we will remember how we answered the call and how we were there for one another. It is our heart, spirit and compassion for others that will get us through these tough days and strengthen us for the future.

If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others, please talk to someone. You can call 911 or visit the Disaster Distress Helpline at, call (800) 985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746.

If you are an IEHP member, call Member Services to connect with a behavioral health specialist today at (800) 440-IEHP (4347), TTY (800) 718-4347.