Press release

Local Health Plans of California Name Linnea Koopmans as New CEO

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the Board of the Local Health Plans of California (LHPC) announced Linnea Koopmans as the association’s new Chief Executive Officer. Since stepping in as interim CEO last February, Koopmans has led LHPC in its ongoing support of its local member plans as they serve California’s most vulnerable populations in the state’s Medi-Cal managed care program. LHPC represents all 16 of the non-profit, community-based local health plans in California, which provide health coverage to more than 70 percent of the 11.3 million members enrolled in Medi-Cal managed care.

“The LHPC Board is thrilled to name Linnea as the association’s next CEO. She has deep Medi-Cal policy experience, is an excellent communicator, and is firmly committed to the local plan model,” said LHPC Board Chair and Partnership HealthPlan of California CEO Liz Gibboney. “We know that she will lead the association through the extraordinary opportunities offered through the CalAIM waiver process.”

Linnea first joined LHPC in 2018 as Government Affairs Director, working closely with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Department of Managed Health Care and the California Legislature to advocate for local plans and their mission-driven commitment to improved health care services, supports and access for the Medi-Cal population. In that role, she has helped lead the organization on major Medi-Cal-related initiatives, including CalAIM, Medi-Cal Rx and local plans’ community and provider support during the pandemic.

Koopmans’ appointment comes during an important and significant time for the Medi-Cal program, as the state continues to develop CalAIM, DHCS’s multi-year initiative to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of Medi-Cal beneficiaries through delivery system, program and payment reform.

“My career-long commitment to serving vulnerable populations has prepared me to lead local plans as Medi-Cal transforms into a program with a holistic view of health while also addressing long-standing health disparities,” said Koopmans. “Since joining LHPC, I have witnessed the unique value offered through the local plan model, which extends beyond their Medi-Cal enrollees and is evident through a deep investment in their broader community.”

In coming to LHPC, Koopmans brought a wealth of knowledge and experience developed by working on different aspects of Medi-Cal. Previously, she worked for the County Behavioral Health Directors Association as the organization’s expert on California’s Medi-Cal waivers and supported county policy and legislative behavioral health priorities. She also worked for Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health on ACA implementation and began her career in housing and homelessness.

About LHPC

Local Health Plans of California (LHPC) is a statewide trade association that represents all 16 of the not-for-profit, community-based health plans that provide access to critical and comprehensive health care services for low-income populations enrolled in California’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal. In the 36 counties in the state where a local health plan option is available, 80 percent of Medi-Cal managed care beneficiaries choose the local plan. With over 8 million enrollees in the state, our plans serve over 70 percent of all Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Our member plans cover more lives than 49 other states’ entire Medicaid programs.

Media Contact
Nicole Evans
(916) 502-2756